Jiffy Lube in Fort Wayne, IN

Find the store hours and directions for Jiffy Lube in Fort Wayne. Research coupons and discounts for Jiffy Lube. Please check to make sure your local Jiffy Lube is open for business before you start driving there.

Jiffy Lube Listings

Jiffy Lube
4334 COLDWATER RD, FORT WAYNE, IN 46805-1112.
Jiffy Lube Phone Number(260) 483-3779 1970.02 mile
Jiffy Lube
5312 S BEND DR, FORT WAYNE, IN 46804-1680.
Jiffy Lube Phone Number(260) 432-3299 1966.25 mile
Jiffy Lube
10324 MAYSVILLE RD, FORT WAYNE, IN 46835-9591.
Jiffy Lube Phone Number(260) 492-9063 1976.36 mile
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